To celebrate NYC Homecoming and the reopening of city schools post covid school closures in 2021, students and staff at The Washington Irving Campus launched an interactive exhibition on the history of teaching, learning and student life in the historic Washington Irving Campus Library. Students are leading the research, design, curation, and facilitation of the exhibition, continuing in the great tradition of service learning and activism, similar to students of years ago who first protested for the building's construction in 1909.
These amazing educational artifacts focus public schooling on career and technical education, community building, service learning and civic engagement. Students collaborate with Union Square Academy for Health Sciences social studies teacher and instructional coach David Edelman, the campus' librarian Tracy Karas, and custodial staff to collect, preserve, analyze and curate objects from our school building's history. Students have also collected oral histories from alumni and staff including community organizer, radio personality and musician Gilda Miros.
Items such as the WIHS 1924-1925 instructional record details vocational training, instructional practices, field trips, projects, community events and experiential learning with great attention and care tied to building community, relationships, rigor, relevance and realness.
The record captures stories of students, the school choir and Principal Meade describing WIHS as a "composite school of both academics and industry that fosters both technical skills for the workforce and the ability of students to solve to problems of the living boy and girl." Click the link above to listen to it.
WIHS was the first school in the US to have a student government
In 1918 patriotism was an explicit goal of the math department
Poster advertising a student led protest in 1911 to support construction of WIHS. Click here to learn more about this event.
WIHS purchased multiple war bonds during WWII to support the war effort
Eleanor Roosevelt spoke in the WI auditorium in 1936 for Pan American day. Click to read about it in her diary.
Click to listen to a 1950 radio show about WIHS
WIHS purchased multiple war bonds during WWII to pay for a fighter jet
Student work generated during WWII about the war and WWI. Click to read more.
Students served tea in the lobby. Click to learn more
The school was one of the first to have rooftop greenhouses for agricultural instruction
WIHS purchased multiple war bonds during WWII to support the war effort
Students monthly German language newsletter. Click here to read it.
THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: JULY, 1918 which discusses our school. Click here to read.
Student demographics found in the NYC Municipal Archives. Click here to access.
Autographed music and lette from the Russian-American aviation pioneer. Click to listen.
Students created the costumes for students who performed in our world renowned auditorium. Click to learn more about it.
WIHS hosted 4 civics clubs within the Civics Department. Click to learn more.
Cast iron desks with built in ink wells. An the time of purchase each cost $2 a piece. Click here to learn more.
Student art work from 1957 in the form of a monthly calendar. See more student art.
Students volunteered and supported the Red Cross during wartime. Click here to see the English curriculum during wartime.
The Sarah E Annett library was named after its first librarian who served until 1939
Students training as nurses at Washington Irving during WWI
Students performed Shakespearean plays multiple times a school year
Can you date this photo by using the number of stars on the flag? Click here for help.
Student performances often taught and celebrated cultural heritage similar to today
Photos and quotes from the student cafeteria
Program poster for a student led assembly celebrating the opening of WIHS
Glass slides of student life and instruction
Interview with 1955 alum and artist Gilda Miros. Click to listen.
Copies of the curated student journal The Daisy. Click here to read one from June 1918.
The instructional manual from 1928 discusses the school's greenhouses on the roof and the plants students grew and harvested. Click here to read.
Sketches and renderings of the gothic designed lobby. Click to learn more.
American Citizenship Day Proclamation from Mayor LaGuardia. Learn more about citizenship day.
The school’s charter from 1909. Click here to read more.
Early boys and girls police squad were an early form of the NYPD Explorers Program. Click to read more.
Senior hat from 1946
WIHS Senior pins donated by Marty Raskin
Corner stone ceremony
WIHS sewing class
Teacher paystub from 1925 donated by Marty Raskin
Click to read this
Award winning poetry
Read student newspapers during WWII
Click here to read an article about the student traffic squad
Click to read these teacher newsletters from 1969
Dressmaking was the most popular vocational program
Office of Civilian Defense (OCD) office and signage
Hundreds of presents were collected annually during Officers‘ Day during Christmas
Prior to the opening of WIHS this class photo was taken in the 14th street gym in 1904
Items on display are categorized and curated by students into several categories: 1.Civic Engagement, 2.The Arts, 3.CTE (Career & Technical Education), historically known as Vocational Studies & 4.Student Life.
Members of student government helped create an interactive scavenger hunt in which students, staff and guests collaborate and compete to learn about the history of the school, its connections to local history, world events and civic engagement.
If you are an alumni, guest or community partner and would like to visit our exhibit, record an oral history, engage in a scavenger hunt, dip pen writing tutorial or student led docent tour, please reach out here.
Special thanks to: Jose Valdez, campus building custodian, who preserved and protected many of these amazing artifacts. Tia Keenan, a community activist whose grandmother Rosemarie Morale graduated from Washington Irving in 1950 with a concentration in dressmaking who donated an old Theodore Kundtz manufactured school desk with a built in ink well. As well as Marty Raskin, retired NYC educator in pursuit of new homes to display school history, who graciously shared various documents and objects about W.I.H.S. from his collection
Students in 1913 training to be nurses at W.I.H.S
Known initially in 1903 as Girls' Technical High School, and then renamed Washington Irving High School in 1909, the school was the idea of progressive educator William McAndrew as an educational center large enough to house the institution, at the time part of Wadleigh, the only girls' high school that existed in multiple locations around New York City. In an about-face, in 2011, Washington Irving High School was gradually phased out as NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg emphasized the creation of new, small, specialized high schools. Currently 1 Success Academy Elementary School and 5 smaller Department of Education High Schools, all with various Career & Technical specializations, operate in the building, now renamed
WIHS was the first comprehensive all girls "composite school" in the US to focused specifically on:
Vocational Training, Academics & Civics
The school was featured in both Time Life June 6, 1938 & National Geographic Magazine in July 1918.
Very similar to the educational philosophy of the NYC DOE today which prioritizes Career & Technical Education through new, innovative schools focused to provide students with specific employable technical training, internships, as well as liberal arts academia, in 1909, Principal McAndrew believed that girls training for vocational or technical trades and those undertaking an academic curriculum should be educated together to improve students access to academics, vocational opportunity and since all students have much to teach and learn from one another.
Vocational programs included housekeeping, nursing, marketing, care of babies, laundering, embroidery, plain sewing, garment making, costume designing, drawing, illustrating, plain and fancy cooking, entertaining, sanitation, picture hanging, telephoning, dancing, stair-climbing, typewriting, bookkeeping, stenography, salesmanship, office management, bookbinding, cataloguing, commercial filing, printing, photography, gardening, newspaper writing, in addition to the usual high school academic subjects.
Construction on the school began in 1911 after student led protests in front of the Board of Education in 1909. Washington Irving first opened its doors after a lavish street parade in 1913. Principal McAndrew believed in deemphasizing classical studies and was a proponent of a more civic focused curriculum. Although McAndrew designed the curriculum to favor employers, in the words of Principal Mary Meade "he did not believe that private business should ever be entrusted with direct control over schools."
Superintendent of School buildings C.B.J. Snyder designed a seven-story brick, limestone, and terra-cotta structure with an imposing arched entrance, paired round-arched Florentine Renaissance windows on the seventh floor, a deep cornice, and a tiled hip roof. The lobby is decorated with 12 murals depicting the history of New Amsterdam by America’s most prolific muralist Barry Faulkner whose work is also in the National Archives rotunda in Washington, DC. A bust of Washington Irving by Friedrich Beer was placed in front of the building in 1935 as part of a Great Depression WPA program to repurpose public art and was re-pedestaled in 2023. The exterior of the building and the statue is featured in the opening credits of the TV show Head Of The Class
The building was to cost $600,000. Two years later the proposed building was enlarged with the addition of another story and a flat roof that would be available for recreation. This also made WIHS the tallest educational complex in the country at construction. In 1938 7,023 girls attended WIHS making it also the most populated high school in America and perhaps the first to have rooftop greenhouses in NYC.
Boys did not attend the school up until 1986 when Title IX legislation first passed in 1972 began to be enforced at the school. This coed phase of WIHS can be observed in students' yearbooks from 1986 to 1989 which was the first graduating class to be coed.
You can learn more about the history or Washington Irving High School from the words of students and staff of year's past in several issues of the student journal The Daisy and The Staff Manual Writs of Assistance
Before Washington Irving High School occupied Irving Place & 16th Street it was home to the National Conservatory of Music. The world famous Antonín Dvořák was the Director in the 1890s. He lived two blocks away near the statue of him in Stuyvesant Square Park. During Dvořák's tenure as Director he hired the baritone and Composer H.T Burleigh, who's parents were born into slavery in America, who introduced Dvořák and largely white audiences to African American spiritual music. The People's Symphony which performs in the campus' auditorium pays tribute to this history and plays the music of the Czech Composer and the American H.T Burleigh